dwa cytaty tytułem wstępu

Smoliste grzęzawisko cytowałem już kiedyś:

This then is programming, both a tar pit in which many efforts have floundered, and a creative activity with joys and woes all its own. For many, the joys far outweight the woes [...]

Frederick P. Brooks

The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering

lecz przytaczam i tutaj jako wyjaśnienie dla słabo kojarzących. Zresztą zapewne powtórzę to jeszcze nie raz, bo to tekst z gatunku ideologicznych...

Dzisiaj jednak dla odmiany słowa architekta, w których jest więcej prawdy niż z pozoru mogłoby się wydawać:

95 percent of any creative profession is shit work.

Only 5 percent is actually, in some simplistic way, fun. In school that is what you focus on; it is 100 percent fun. Tick-tock. In real life, most of the time there is paper work, drafting boring stuff, fact-checking, negotiating, selling, collecting money, paying taxes, and so forth. If you don’t learn to love the boring, aggravating, and stupid parts of your profession and perform them with diligence and care, you will never succeed.

Michael McDonough

The Top 10 Things They Never Taught Me in Design School



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